Welcome to Arhtzee!
By Kim, Danielle, Gina, and Natalie
Arhtzhee is a game for teachers to aid in lesson planning. It is a fun, portable, easy game!
Players: 1-4
Octadie Key
Red - Big Ideas
Yellow - Post-Modern Principles
Green - Material Exploration
Blue - Assessment Strategies
Object of the Game
The object of Toss-A-Game is to toss the octadie to create a lesson plan incorporating the four resulting sub-categories that you roll. The game can be played individually or in a group.
1. To begin, place the four octadie in the box.
2. Shake and roll octadie.
3. After rolling, you may choose to use the four sub-categories displayed on top, or you can re-roll any or all of the octadie.
4. You may only roll a total of three times. The result of the third roll is final.
5. You may use the four sub-categories rolled at any point; you do not have to use all three rolls.
Our teacher example from our results from playing Arhtzee!
And the great thing about this game is that you can alter the octadie in a way that fits your specific curriculum. Here are the templates to make the dice!